Julie Otsuka, author portrait
© © Jean-Luc Bertini

Julie Otsuka

JULIE OTSUKA was born and raised in California. She is a recipient of a Guggenheim Fellowship, and her first novel, When the Emperor Was Divine won the 2003 Asian American Literary Award and the 2003 American Library Association Alex Award. Her second novel, The Buddha in the Attic, was a finalist for the National Book Award 2011 and won the 2012 PEN/Faulkner Award for Fiction and the 2011 Langum Prize in American Historical Fiction. The Buddha in the Attic was an international bestseller and the winner of the prestigious Prix Femina étranger 2012, and the Albatros Literaturpreis 2013. She lives in New York City.
The Swimmers
The Buddha in the Attic
When the Emperor Was Divine


The Swimmers
The Buddha in the Attic
When the Emperor Was Divine

What Students Will Be Reading: Campus Common Reading Roundup, 2024-25

With the fall semester in full swing, colleges and universities around the country have announced their Common Reading books for the upcoming 2024-25 academic year. We’ve compiled a list of over 340 programs and their title selections, which you can download here: First-Year Reading 2024-25. We will continue to update this listing to provide the

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2025 Catalog for First-Year & Common Reading

We are delighted to present our new First-Year & Common Reading Catalog for 2025! From award-winning fiction, poetry, memoir, and biography to new books about science, technology, history, student success, the environment, public health, and current events, the titles presented in our common reading catalog will have students not only eagerly flipping through the pages,

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NEA Big Read Introduces New Theme “Where We Live.” Applications Now Open.

In case you missed it, in October the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) announced new guidelines for its NEA Big Read initiative and the 2024-2025 theme “Where We Live” alongside 50 books available for selection, culled from its archive. Applications are now open for grants to support NEA Big Read projects between September 2024

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Julie Otsuka’s novel The Swimmers is Seattle Reads’ 25th anniversary selection

The Swimmers by Julie Otsuka has been chosen as the 2023 selection for Seattle Reads. The Seattle Public Library provides information on the program: “Founded in 1998, Seattle Reads is a city-wide book group, where people are encouraged to read and discuss the same book. Originally called ‘If All of Seattle Read the Same Book,’

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