Life Beyond Likes

Logging Off Your Screen and Into Your Life

Author Isa Watson
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With so much of our lives lived online, we’ve never been more connected—or disconnected from what’s most important to us.

It’s time to let go of our curated online worlds and get beyond our need for likes.

For all that we think we’re getting out of social media, we’re also getting duped. The perfection echo chamber oftentimes makes us feel like we’re getting left behind. 

The truth is, life is messy, but curated online fabulousness makes it hard to let our true selves show, and it impedes our ability to have real, meaningful connections. Depression, anxiety, and suicide are also on the rise, and the virtual world is partially to blame, affecting our self-worth, our friendships, and the way we choose to navigate our real lives. 

As the founder and CEO of Squad, an app company built on connectedness, Isa Watson knows firsthand why we need to learn how to be more genuine. The digital world is her lifeblood, but it’s also been an Achilles’ heel: She struggled privately with some of the biggest challenges life can throw at you, while online she seemed to be living her best life—earning high-profile accolades, taking fabulous trips, and partying with the likes of many big name celebrities. It took a personal crisis to make her realize that she needed to change.

In Life Beyond Likes, she gets real, sharing practical guidance on:
  • Getting over the addiction to likes, and letting your true self shine
  • Recognizing your own damaging habits and developing healthy ones
  • Determining when a friendship has run its course
  • Getting comfortable with discomfort in order to make real connections

Drawing from a wealth of experiences including being the youngest published chemist in the world, working as executive in the upper echelons at JPMorgan Chase, and founding her own company, Isa helps readers better understand what constitutes success, identify what’s really important, and achieve a balance between the curated online world and the enriching, emotionally nourishing world right in front of us.
Isa Watson is the founder and CEO of Squad, a venture capita–backed social app that makes it easier than ever for you to stay in touch with your close friends everyday. More fun than texting, more private than social media, Squad is aiming to show how friends communicate across the globe. A chemist and data scientist turned entrepreneur, Isa is on a mission to make the biggest positive impact on as many people as possible around the globe—starting with this book. A true millennial, she knows firsthand the real pain social media can cause on our self-image, mental health, and friendships. After lots of therapy and hard lessons learned, she reflects back on her journey to finding balance—sharing her insight with us along the way.


With so much of our lives lived online, we’ve never been more connected—or disconnected from what’s most important to us.

It’s time to let go of our curated online worlds and get beyond our need for likes.

For all that we think we’re getting out of social media, we’re also getting duped. The perfection echo chamber oftentimes makes us feel like we’re getting left behind. 

The truth is, life is messy, but curated online fabulousness makes it hard to let our true selves show, and it impedes our ability to have real, meaningful connections. Depression, anxiety, and suicide are also on the rise, and the virtual world is partially to blame, affecting our self-worth, our friendships, and the way we choose to navigate our real lives. 

As the founder and CEO of Squad, an app company built on connectedness, Isa Watson knows firsthand why we need to learn how to be more genuine. The digital world is her lifeblood, but it’s also been an Achilles’ heel: She struggled privately with some of the biggest challenges life can throw at you, while online she seemed to be living her best life—earning high-profile accolades, taking fabulous trips, and partying with the likes of many big name celebrities. It took a personal crisis to make her realize that she needed to change.

In Life Beyond Likes, she gets real, sharing practical guidance on:
  • Getting over the addiction to likes, and letting your true self shine
  • Recognizing your own damaging habits and developing healthy ones
  • Determining when a friendship has run its course
  • Getting comfortable with discomfort in order to make real connections

Drawing from a wealth of experiences including being the youngest published chemist in the world, working as executive in the upper echelons at JPMorgan Chase, and founding her own company, Isa helps readers better understand what constitutes success, identify what’s really important, and achieve a balance between the curated online world and the enriching, emotionally nourishing world right in front of us.


Isa Watson is the founder and CEO of Squad, a venture capita–backed social app that makes it easier than ever for you to stay in touch with your close friends everyday. More fun than texting, more private than social media, Squad is aiming to show how friends communicate across the globe. A chemist and data scientist turned entrepreneur, Isa is on a mission to make the biggest positive impact on as many people as possible around the globe—starting with this book. A true millennial, she knows firsthand the real pain social media can cause on our self-image, mental health, and friendships. After lots of therapy and hard lessons learned, she reflects back on her journey to finding balance—sharing her insight with us along the way.

Videos from the 2024 First-Year Experience® Conference are now available

We’re pleased to share videos from the 2024 First-Year Experience® Conference. Whether you weren’t able to join us at the conference or would simply like to hear the talks again, please take a moment to view the clips below.   Penguin Random House Author Breakfast Monday, February 19th, 7:15 – 8:45 am PST This event

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