Free Resource: Using Audiobooks to Support Literacy

By Jennifer Rubins | May 10 2017 | All-School Reads

Why is listening so important? Assistant professor Dr. Rose Brock explains how audiobooks develop literacy skills, the connection between reading and listening, and how you can build and market a strong audiobook collection.

This resource is a must-read for librarians and educators. Share this article in your community to promote a love of listening, literacy, and learning with audiobooks.



  • 85% of learning derives from listening
  • 30% of people are auditory learners

As Rose explains, listening plays a vital role in communication and it’s an essential skill that students need to function effectively in the workplace; and life in general. Read Rose’s article to find out how audiobooks provide a medium for developing that essential skill.

For more on the connection between literacy and audiobooks, click here.

In addition to publishing her dissertation research on audiobooks, Dr. Brock helped develop the Audio Publisher’s Association’s, Sound Learning Literacy Toolkit ( Dr. Rose Brock also serves as an advisor to author Jon Scieszka’s national literacy initiative, Guys Listen, part of the Guys Read program. Learn more at

Meet Rose in these videos!