Welcome to the new Common Reads website! Featuring a highly-curated list of titles from across all publishing divisions of Penguin Random House, this site was created and designed to help you find the right book and the right resources for your school reading program.
Whether you are an educator or a librarian looking for an adult or children’s title, you can begin exploring our site via the navigation bar up-top, which organizes titles by college, K-12 and community, and then by theme within these categories. You may also simply look for a title in the search bar.
Once you click on a title, you will be served up a description page with a book summary, details on recent school and program adoptions, readers and teacher guides, audio clips, video links, news updates, as well as detailed author information and photos. Please note we will continue to add new titles, resources, and author details on a regular basis in the future. Also, to keep up with all the latest news, click here to subscribe to our free e-newsletters.
This new site will ultimately help us better support you and your reading programs with the best books, authors and resources. Please dig in and don’t hesitate to share your feedback by clicking here!