Once you have selected your book you will need to get the word out to a wide audience. Below are a few suggestions on how to do just that.

Public Relations: Create a communications team to help draft press releases about your program and pitch the story to local media outlets. In addition, work with local media to promote PSAs about your program. Ask local community leaders and/or celebrities to help promote.

Announcement or Unveiling Ceremony: Consider selecting a date when the mayor or another community leader will announce your community-wide read selection. Invite local media and community members to attend. Plan a launch party to celebrate the occasion.

Online and Digital Outreach: Create a website or landing page with all of the details about your program—including information about the book, discussion guides, a calendar of events, and more. Promote your events through the library, school, and other enewsletters and social media platforms.

Flyers, Posters, and More: Hang posters and distribute flyers with your event information at the library, schools, and local businesses and municipal buildings. Distribute buttons, bookmarks, a calendar of events, and other promotional items at the library, schools, and other community meetings.

Advertising: Work with local newspapers, radio stations, and television stations to place paid ads for your program. Ask if they would be willing to offer a discounted rate for a non-profit organization.

Share an Audio Clip: We offer sounds clips for all our titles. Every clip can be downloaded (by clicking the down arrow) on www.penguinrandomhouseaudio.com and easily embedded on your website or shared on social media to grow excitement for a title and allow your community to jump right in.

VIP Invitations: Reach out personally through phone calls or printed invitations to invite key individuals from your community to attend your events.