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Vanishing Treasures

A Bestiary of Extraordinary Endangered Creatures

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NATIONAL BESTSELLER NAMED A BEST BOOK OF FALL: WASHINGTON POST, CBS, BOSTON GLOBE, CHICAGO TRIBUNE & MORE • From the #1 New York Times bestselling author Katherine Rundell comes a “rare and magical book” (Bill Bryson) reckoning with the vanishing wonders of our natural world

"Extraordinary...For anyone whose capacity for wonder could use a jumpstart, Rundell's essays are essential reading."—Maureen Corrigan, Fresh Air

"In times like these, terror and rage will carry us only so far. We will also need unstinting, unceasing love. For the hard work that lies ahead, Ms. Rundell writes, 'Our competent and furious love will have to be what fuels us.' This is a book to help you fall in love." —Margaret Renkl, The New York Times

The world is more astonishing, more miraculous, and more wonderful than our wildest imaginings. In this brilliant and passionately persuasive book, Katherine Rundell takes us on a globe-spanning tour of the world's most awe-inspiring animals currently facing extinction.

Consider the seahorse: couples mate for life and meet each morning for a dance, pirouetting and changing colors before going their separate ways, to dance again the next day. The American wood frog survives winter by allowing itself to freeze solid, its heartbeat slowing until it stops altogether. Come spring, the heart kick-starts itself spontaneously back to life. As for the lemur, it lives in matriarchal troops led by an alpha female (it’s not unusual for female ring-tailed lemurs to slap males across the face when they become aggressive). Whenever they are cold or frightened, they group together in what’s known as a lemur ball, paws and tails intertwined, to form a furry mass as big as a bicycle wheel.

But each of these extraordinary animals is endangered or holds a sub-species that is endangered. This urgent, inspiring book of essays dedicated to 23 unusual and underappreciated creatures is a clarion call insisting that we look at the world around us with new eyes—to see the magic of the animals we live among, their unknown histories and capabilities, and above all how lucky we are to tread the same ground as such vanishing treasures.

Beautifully illustrated, and full of inimitable wit and intellect, Vanishing Treasures is a chance to be awestruck and lovestruck, to reckon with the beauty of the world, its fragility, and its strangeness.

A common swift, in its lifetime, flies about two million kilometres; enough to fly to the moon and back twice over, and then once more to the moon. For at least ten months of every year, it never ceases flying; sky-washed, sleeping on the wing, it has no need to land.

The American wood frog gets through winter by allowing itself to freeze solid. Its heart slows, then stops altogether: the water around its organs turns to ice. Come spring, it thaws, and the heart kick-starts itself spontaneously into life. We still don’t understand how the heart knows to start beating.
At sea, dolphins whistle to their young in the womb; for months before the birth, and for two weeks afterwards, the mother sings the same signature whistle over and over. The other dolphins are quieter than usual for those weeks, in a bid not to confuse the unborn calf as it learns its mother’s call.

These things—everlasting flight, a self-galvanising heart, a creature who learns names in the womb—sound like fables we offer children. But it’s only that the Earth is so various and so startling that our capacity for wonder, huge as it is, can barely skim the edges of the truth.

The book is made in part of moments where we have collided with living things, in both joy and destruction, grandeur and folly. They are histories that reveal us to ourselves, and which find us at our most enthralled and unhinged: at our strangest. That, for instance, St Cuthbert, a seventh-century monk from Lindisfarne, was said to have enlisted the help of sea otters when he got wet in the ocean: they warmed his feet with their breath, and dried them with their fur. That a blind farmer in Suriname once rescued a baby capybara and trained it to be his seeing eye. It was noted in the Guinness Book of Records: guided by what is essentially a vast guinea pig, a man once stepped bravely out into the darkness of the world, and was led home.

This book is, too, a litany of the vivid mistakes and wild guesses upon which our scientific knowledge has been painstakingly built. For example: because we used to hunt beavers for their testicles on the grounds that they were a delicious aphrodisiac, we theorised for hundreds of years that, if chased, the animal would bite off their own genitals in order to forestall the pursuit. They would ‘throw them in [their pursuers’] path’, a Roman text from the year 200 CE claimed, ‘as a prudent man who, falling into the hands of robbers, sacrifices all that he is carrying, to save his life, and forfeits his possessions by way of ransom.’ Medieval bestiaries were therefore populated with images of furious beavers castrating themselves with their incisors.

Similarly, the ancient conviction that ostriches could digest iron meant that Arabic and European manuscripts were scattered with drawings of the bird with a horseshoe or a sword clamped hungrily in its beak. It became a symbol of resilience, digestive and otherwise. The theory was tested and recorded by the great ninth-century Iraqi naturalist al-Jahiz, who reported that the ostrich happily ate burning pieces of metal, but on devouring a pair of scissors, sliced itself open from the inside. We also believed that ostriches could hatch their eggs merely by glaring at them with great and unswerving intensity.

The old errors are fantastical and fantastic, and revealing of human hopes and anxieties; our terrors, our desires for greater digestive health and sexual prowess, our quest for magical solutions to relentlessly human problems. And every scientist you meet will tell you: there is no reason to believe that we haven’t got just as much wrong today, in different forms, as we have done in every generation up to now. It would be worth our holding that knowledge, tight and urgent, as we go; our learning, though vast, is an infinitesimally small fraction of what exists.

We risk losing all this magnificence before we begin to understand it. Every species in this book is endangered or contains a subspecies that is endangered—because there is almost no creature on the planet, now, for which that is not the case. In the last fifty years, the world’s wildlife has declined by an average of almost seventy percent. We have lost more than half of all wild things that lived.

We are Noah’s Ark in reverse: it is as if we are raging through the bowels of the boat, setting fire to the stables, poisoning the water. Faced with such destruction at such pace, acquiescence becomes impossible. The time to fight, with all our ingenuity and tenacity and love and fury, is now.
Praise for Vanishing Treasures:

"This is the perfect book to read in the aftermath of a planet-threatening election. In times like these, terror and rage will carry us only so far. We will also need unstinting, unceasing love. For the hard work that lies ahead, Ms. Rundell writes, 'Our competent and furious love will have to be what fuels us.' This is a book to help you fall in love."
Margaret Renkl, The New York Times

“[Vanishing Treasures] extolls the marvellous strangeness of, among other species, hedgehogs, giraffes, and swifts . . . Rundell has a great deal of infectious fun with these creatures, and with the line separating fact from fable.”
The New Yorker

“Extraordinary... For anyone whose capacity for wonder could use a jumpstart, Rundell's essays are essential reading... Vanishing Treasures makes readers see, really see, some of the miraculous creatures we still share this fragile world with.”
Maureen Corrigan, Fresh Air

“[Rundell's] extraordinary compendium of creatures informs, astounds, and enrages in equal measure.... Genius.... [Rundell] coaxes us into caring by plying us with spellbinding stories and a cornucopia of incredibly strange but true trivia about 23 species currently facing extinction.”
San Francisco Chronicle

“Downright breathtaking.”
Wall Street Journal

“Already beloved for her children’s books, Rundell writes here for adults who still hold a child’s love for animals. This celebration of seahorses, lemurs, and others doubles as a wake-up call: look around and protect what you love.”
Boston Globe

“The best writer you're not reading (yet)... Vanishing Treasures is composed of nearly two dozen hilarious, strange, totally true essays about the natural world that summon real wonder.”
Chicago Tribune

“[Vanishing Treasures] consists of loving, playful essays about animals that are endangered or hold a subspecies that is endangered: sea horses, lemurs, golden moles and more. It’s pervaded with both wonder and worry, as indeed is much of [Rundell's] work.”
Sarah Lyall, The New York Times

“An enthralling compendium of remarkable creatures, an urgent appeal for conservation and a joyful reminder that the natural world is 'so startling that our capacity for wonder, huge as it is, can barely skim the edges of the truth...' Every chapter contains sparkling nuggets that range from eye-opening to jaw-dropping to thought-provoking.... As befits a book packed with marvels, this is a marvelous book, one to enjoy and learn from.”
Minnesota Star-Tribune

“Gorgeous. Each fact captured in these declarative sentences sits like some blown-glass Chihuly sequitur pushing us ever-further into the field of what is possible on this planet.... [Vanishing Treasures] is an epic poem, as it turns out, replete with shining islands, towering mountains, small glittering gods and us — the monsters.”
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

“Delightful…. [Rundell] is a sort of literary David Attenborough…. Vanishing Treasures is filled not just with intriguing facts but also beautiful and witty turns of phrases.”
—New York Post

“[Rundell is] already back with a new book of fantastical beasts – except these are real. Whether drawing connections between wombats and Italian painter Dante Gabriel Rossetti or Shakespeare and Greenland sharks, she fascinates.”
—Orange County Register

“A rare and magical book. I didn’t want it to end.”
Bill Bryson, bestselling author of The Body and A Walk in the Woods

“Whether she is writing about a jumping spider, a hedgehog, or the curious, pine-cone-like mammals known as a pangolin, Katherine Rundell stuns us with wonders. Each of her essays is a polished gem—and each will leave you newly smitten with love for life.”
Sy Montgomery, New York Times bestselling author of The Soul of an Octopus

“A compendium of the wonders of the scuttling, flapping, galloping, swimming, and hopping jewels of the world. This charming menagerie features creatures both familiar and strange, whose futures we have imperiled, and Rundell shares their stories with ceaseless curiosity. A book brimming with astonishments and hope.”
Sabrina Imbler, author of How Far the Light Reaches

“To see the world through Rundell's eyes is to see it anew. She writes with such wit, wonder, and effervescence, that you can't help but marvel at every element living creatures on this planet have to offer.”
Katy Hessel, New York Times bestselling author of The Story of Art Without Men

“This world, even as we degrade it, remains almost unimaginably beautiful and interesting, as this remarkable bestiary makes clear. Here are a bunch of very very good reasons to actually try and hold on to as much of the Pleistocene as we can.”
Bill McKibben, author The End of Nature

“A wondrous ode to nature's astonishing beauty—and an elegy for all the life we are in the midst of destroying.”
Amia Srinivasan, author of The Right to Sex

“Exquisite and timely.”
Maggie O'Farrell, author of The Marriage Portrait

“A total miracle.”
Max Porter, author of Shy

“A loving and lovely book.”
Sarah Moss, author of Ghost Wall

“Rundell's book is, on the surface, about animals - but, in reality, it is a pretext for us to learn about ourselves and our relationship with nature. Written in the enchanted, storytelling tone of medieval bestiaries, Vanishing Treasures captures the joy and wonder of wildlife and weaves it into the fabric of human history. A delight to read.”
Joanna Bagniewska, author of The Modern Bestiary

“A witty, intoxicating paean to Earth’s wondrous creatures . . . shot through with Rundell’s characteristic wit and swagger.”
The Guardian

“[A] dazzling collection of essays about some of the world’s most wondrous creatures. From the iridescence of the golden mole to parasites in the eye of the Greenland shark, Rundell details the natural world in exquisite prose . . . Rundell’s gift for language, wit and historical observation combine here to create a rare and beautiful book.”
The Observer

“There is a constant joy in the book . . . A sense throughout of delight and wonder, and a reminder that these emotions also matter—may even save us. This is the point.”
New Statesman

“A passionate plea to save the planet’s living cabinet of curiosities.... Rundell’s prose is consistently, insistently, beautiful.... required reading for those who somehow don’t yet understand what we have lost, what we are losing, and what we can, if we set our minds and hearts to it, still save.”
Undark Magazine

"Rundell celebrates and mourns the marvelous variety of creatures facing disappearance right now: everyone from the lemur to the sea horse and so many more are brought vividly to life in a desperate hope we might act before it’s too late."

"A must-read for any animal lover. And with its beautiful illustrations, this book also makes for a lovely gift."
Book Riot

“Brisk, eye-opening, thoroughly entertaining . . . Young and old will savor Rundell’s infectious enthusiasm for these remarkable and infinitely varied creatures. A clarion call for preservation by way of a delightful bestiary.”
Kirkus Reviews (starred)

“Rundell's latest is a gem of a book.... Rundell's wit fascinates and cuts.... This magical collection of very real animals will charm and inspire readers.”
Booklist (starred)

“A poignant survey of animal species whose survival is threatened by humans . . . Rundell approaches her subjects with reverence, as when she writes that blind, iridescent golden moles ‘burrow and breed and hunt, live and die under the African sun, unaware of their beauty, unknowingly glowing.’ Animal lovers will cherish this.”
Publishers Weekly

“[Rundell] illuminates this collection of essays with fable, legend, myth, and truth stranger than fiction... Although it is a sobering glimpse at the destruction humanity has wrought on other living things, Vanishing Treasures is ultimately an uplifting and inspiring exploration of the wonder left in the world and how humanity can fit within it, and add to its extraordinary quality.”
Shelf Awareness

Praise for Katherine Rundell:

“Brilliant . . . Supernaturally talented.”
Ron Charles, The Washington Post

“Rundell is the real deal, a writer of boundless gifts and extraordinary imaginative power.”
The Observer

“I love Katherine Rundell’s writing because it’s so fresh and vigorous, and always so unexpected . . . A writer with an utterly distinctive voice and a wild imagination.”
Philip Pullman, author of The Golden Compass

“Rundell [is] a fellow at St. Catherine’s College at Oxford and the latest in that university’s celebrated tradition of scholar-fantasists — C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, Philip Pullman. She is a high-spirited evangelist for her various passions. (In no particular order: children’s fiction, Renaissance literature and the natural world.) . . . Opening one of her books is like seeing a missionary on your doorstep — chatty, bright-eyed, zealous. Somehow, Rundell makes you want to invite her in for tea.”
Sophia Nguyen, The Washington Post

“Rundell is an astonishing young talent.”
The Daily Mail
© Nina Subin
KATHERINE RUNDELL is the internationally bestselling author of Impossible Creatures. Her other books for children include Rooftoppers, Cartwheeling in Thunderstorms, The Wolf Wilder, The Explorer, and The Good Thieves. She grew up in Zimbabwe, Brussels, and London, and is currently a Fellow of St. Catherine’s College, Oxford. For adult readers, Rundell has written Vanishing Treasures: A Bestiary of Extraordinary Endangered Creatures and Super-Infinite: The Transformations of John Donne, which won the Baillie Gifford Prize for Non-Fiction. She was the recipient of the British Book Award for Book of the Year and Author of the Year. View titles by Katherine Rundell
The Wombat
The Greenland Shark 
The Raccoon 
The Giraffe 
The Swift 
The Lemur 
The Hermit Crab 
The Seal 
The Bear 
The Narwhal 
The Crow 
The Hare 
The Wolf
The Hedgehog
The Elephant 
The Seahorse 
The Pangolin 
The Stork 
The Spider 
The Bat 
The Tuna 
The Golden Mole 
The Human 
Author’s Note 
About This Book 
Further Reading 
About the Author


NATIONAL BESTSELLER NAMED A BEST BOOK OF FALL: WASHINGTON POST, CBS, BOSTON GLOBE, CHICAGO TRIBUNE & MORE • From the #1 New York Times bestselling author Katherine Rundell comes a “rare and magical book” (Bill Bryson) reckoning with the vanishing wonders of our natural world

"Extraordinary...For anyone whose capacity for wonder could use a jumpstart, Rundell's essays are essential reading."—Maureen Corrigan, Fresh Air

"In times like these, terror and rage will carry us only so far. We will also need unstinting, unceasing love. For the hard work that lies ahead, Ms. Rundell writes, 'Our competent and furious love will have to be what fuels us.' This is a book to help you fall in love." —Margaret Renkl, The New York Times

The world is more astonishing, more miraculous, and more wonderful than our wildest imaginings. In this brilliant and passionately persuasive book, Katherine Rundell takes us on a globe-spanning tour of the world's most awe-inspiring animals currently facing extinction.

Consider the seahorse: couples mate for life and meet each morning for a dance, pirouetting and changing colors before going their separate ways, to dance again the next day. The American wood frog survives winter by allowing itself to freeze solid, its heartbeat slowing until it stops altogether. Come spring, the heart kick-starts itself spontaneously back to life. As for the lemur, it lives in matriarchal troops led by an alpha female (it’s not unusual for female ring-tailed lemurs to slap males across the face when they become aggressive). Whenever they are cold or frightened, they group together in what’s known as a lemur ball, paws and tails intertwined, to form a furry mass as big as a bicycle wheel.

But each of these extraordinary animals is endangered or holds a sub-species that is endangered. This urgent, inspiring book of essays dedicated to 23 unusual and underappreciated creatures is a clarion call insisting that we look at the world around us with new eyes—to see the magic of the animals we live among, their unknown histories and capabilities, and above all how lucky we are to tread the same ground as such vanishing treasures.

Beautifully illustrated, and full of inimitable wit and intellect, Vanishing Treasures is a chance to be awestruck and lovestruck, to reckon with the beauty of the world, its fragility, and its strangeness.



A common swift, in its lifetime, flies about two million kilometres; enough to fly to the moon and back twice over, and then once more to the moon. For at least ten months of every year, it never ceases flying; sky-washed, sleeping on the wing, it has no need to land.

The American wood frog gets through winter by allowing itself to freeze solid. Its heart slows, then stops altogether: the water around its organs turns to ice. Come spring, it thaws, and the heart kick-starts itself spontaneously into life. We still don’t understand how the heart knows to start beating.
At sea, dolphins whistle to their young in the womb; for months before the birth, and for two weeks afterwards, the mother sings the same signature whistle over and over. The other dolphins are quieter than usual for those weeks, in a bid not to confuse the unborn calf as it learns its mother’s call.

These things—everlasting flight, a self-galvanising heart, a creature who learns names in the womb—sound like fables we offer children. But it’s only that the Earth is so various and so startling that our capacity for wonder, huge as it is, can barely skim the edges of the truth.

The book is made in part of moments where we have collided with living things, in both joy and destruction, grandeur and folly. They are histories that reveal us to ourselves, and which find us at our most enthralled and unhinged: at our strangest. That, for instance, St Cuthbert, a seventh-century monk from Lindisfarne, was said to have enlisted the help of sea otters when he got wet in the ocean: they warmed his feet with their breath, and dried them with their fur. That a blind farmer in Suriname once rescued a baby capybara and trained it to be his seeing eye. It was noted in the Guinness Book of Records: guided by what is essentially a vast guinea pig, a man once stepped bravely out into the darkness of the world, and was led home.

This book is, too, a litany of the vivid mistakes and wild guesses upon which our scientific knowledge has been painstakingly built. For example: because we used to hunt beavers for their testicles on the grounds that they were a delicious aphrodisiac, we theorised for hundreds of years that, if chased, the animal would bite off their own genitals in order to forestall the pursuit. They would ‘throw them in [their pursuers’] path’, a Roman text from the year 200 CE claimed, ‘as a prudent man who, falling into the hands of robbers, sacrifices all that he is carrying, to save his life, and forfeits his possessions by way of ransom.’ Medieval bestiaries were therefore populated with images of furious beavers castrating themselves with their incisors.

Similarly, the ancient conviction that ostriches could digest iron meant that Arabic and European manuscripts were scattered with drawings of the bird with a horseshoe or a sword clamped hungrily in its beak. It became a symbol of resilience, digestive and otherwise. The theory was tested and recorded by the great ninth-century Iraqi naturalist al-Jahiz, who reported that the ostrich happily ate burning pieces of metal, but on devouring a pair of scissors, sliced itself open from the inside. We also believed that ostriches could hatch their eggs merely by glaring at them with great and unswerving intensity.

The old errors are fantastical and fantastic, and revealing of human hopes and anxieties; our terrors, our desires for greater digestive health and sexual prowess, our quest for magical solutions to relentlessly human problems. And every scientist you meet will tell you: there is no reason to believe that we haven’t got just as much wrong today, in different forms, as we have done in every generation up to now. It would be worth our holding that knowledge, tight and urgent, as we go; our learning, though vast, is an infinitesimally small fraction of what exists.

We risk losing all this magnificence before we begin to understand it. Every species in this book is endangered or contains a subspecies that is endangered—because there is almost no creature on the planet, now, for which that is not the case. In the last fifty years, the world’s wildlife has declined by an average of almost seventy percent. We have lost more than half of all wild things that lived.

We are Noah’s Ark in reverse: it is as if we are raging through the bowels of the boat, setting fire to the stables, poisoning the water. Faced with such destruction at such pace, acquiescence becomes impossible. The time to fight, with all our ingenuity and tenacity and love and fury, is now.


Praise for Vanishing Treasures:

"This is the perfect book to read in the aftermath of a planet-threatening election. In times like these, terror and rage will carry us only so far. We will also need unstinting, unceasing love. For the hard work that lies ahead, Ms. Rundell writes, 'Our competent and furious love will have to be what fuels us.' This is a book to help you fall in love."
Margaret Renkl, The New York Times

“[Vanishing Treasures] extolls the marvellous strangeness of, among other species, hedgehogs, giraffes, and swifts . . . Rundell has a great deal of infectious fun with these creatures, and with the line separating fact from fable.”
The New Yorker

“Extraordinary... For anyone whose capacity for wonder could use a jumpstart, Rundell's essays are essential reading... Vanishing Treasures makes readers see, really see, some of the miraculous creatures we still share this fragile world with.”
Maureen Corrigan, Fresh Air

“[Rundell's] extraordinary compendium of creatures informs, astounds, and enrages in equal measure.... Genius.... [Rundell] coaxes us into caring by plying us with spellbinding stories and a cornucopia of incredibly strange but true trivia about 23 species currently facing extinction.”
San Francisco Chronicle

“Downright breathtaking.”
Wall Street Journal

“Already beloved for her children’s books, Rundell writes here for adults who still hold a child’s love for animals. This celebration of seahorses, lemurs, and others doubles as a wake-up call: look around and protect what you love.”
Boston Globe

“The best writer you're not reading (yet)... Vanishing Treasures is composed of nearly two dozen hilarious, strange, totally true essays about the natural world that summon real wonder.”
Chicago Tribune

“[Vanishing Treasures] consists of loving, playful essays about animals that are endangered or hold a subspecies that is endangered: sea horses, lemurs, golden moles and more. It’s pervaded with both wonder and worry, as indeed is much of [Rundell's] work.”
Sarah Lyall, The New York Times

“An enthralling compendium of remarkable creatures, an urgent appeal for conservation and a joyful reminder that the natural world is 'so startling that our capacity for wonder, huge as it is, can barely skim the edges of the truth...' Every chapter contains sparkling nuggets that range from eye-opening to jaw-dropping to thought-provoking.... As befits a book packed with marvels, this is a marvelous book, one to enjoy and learn from.”
Minnesota Star-Tribune

“Gorgeous. Each fact captured in these declarative sentences sits like some blown-glass Chihuly sequitur pushing us ever-further into the field of what is possible on this planet.... [Vanishing Treasures] is an epic poem, as it turns out, replete with shining islands, towering mountains, small glittering gods and us — the monsters.”
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

“Delightful…. [Rundell] is a sort of literary David Attenborough…. Vanishing Treasures is filled not just with intriguing facts but also beautiful and witty turns of phrases.”
—New York Post

“[Rundell is] already back with a new book of fantastical beasts – except these are real. Whether drawing connections between wombats and Italian painter Dante Gabriel Rossetti or Shakespeare and Greenland sharks, she fascinates.”
—Orange County Register

“A rare and magical book. I didn’t want it to end.”
Bill Bryson, bestselling author of The Body and A Walk in the Woods

“Whether she is writing about a jumping spider, a hedgehog, or the curious, pine-cone-like mammals known as a pangolin, Katherine Rundell stuns us with wonders. Each of her essays is a polished gem—and each will leave you newly smitten with love for life.”
Sy Montgomery, New York Times bestselling author of The Soul of an Octopus

“A compendium of the wonders of the scuttling, flapping, galloping, swimming, and hopping jewels of the world. This charming menagerie features creatures both familiar and strange, whose futures we have imperiled, and Rundell shares their stories with ceaseless curiosity. A book brimming with astonishments and hope.”
Sabrina Imbler, author of How Far the Light Reaches

“To see the world through Rundell's eyes is to see it anew. She writes with such wit, wonder, and effervescence, that you can't help but marvel at every element living creatures on this planet have to offer.”
Katy Hessel, New York Times bestselling author of The Story of Art Without Men

“This world, even as we degrade it, remains almost unimaginably beautiful and interesting, as this remarkable bestiary makes clear. Here are a bunch of very very good reasons to actually try and hold on to as much of the Pleistocene as we can.”
Bill McKibben, author The End of Nature

“A wondrous ode to nature's astonishing beauty—and an elegy for all the life we are in the midst of destroying.”
Amia Srinivasan, author of The Right to Sex

“Exquisite and timely.”
Maggie O'Farrell, author of The Marriage Portrait

“A total miracle.”
Max Porter, author of Shy

“A loving and lovely book.”
Sarah Moss, author of Ghost Wall

“Rundell's book is, on the surface, about animals - but, in reality, it is a pretext for us to learn about ourselves and our relationship with nature. Written in the enchanted, storytelling tone of medieval bestiaries, Vanishing Treasures captures the joy and wonder of wildlife and weaves it into the fabric of human history. A delight to read.”
Joanna Bagniewska, author of The Modern Bestiary

“A witty, intoxicating paean to Earth’s wondrous creatures . . . shot through with Rundell’s characteristic wit and swagger.”
The Guardian

“[A] dazzling collection of essays about some of the world’s most wondrous creatures. From the iridescence of the golden mole to parasites in the eye of the Greenland shark, Rundell details the natural world in exquisite prose . . . Rundell’s gift for language, wit and historical observation combine here to create a rare and beautiful book.”
The Observer

“There is a constant joy in the book . . . A sense throughout of delight and wonder, and a reminder that these emotions also matter—may even save us. This is the point.”
New Statesman

“A passionate plea to save the planet’s living cabinet of curiosities.... Rundell’s prose is consistently, insistently, beautiful.... required reading for those who somehow don’t yet understand what we have lost, what we are losing, and what we can, if we set our minds and hearts to it, still save.”
Undark Magazine

"Rundell celebrates and mourns the marvelous variety of creatures facing disappearance right now: everyone from the lemur to the sea horse and so many more are brought vividly to life in a desperate hope we might act before it’s too late."

"A must-read for any animal lover. And with its beautiful illustrations, this book also makes for a lovely gift."
Book Riot

“Brisk, eye-opening, thoroughly entertaining . . . Young and old will savor Rundell’s infectious enthusiasm for these remarkable and infinitely varied creatures. A clarion call for preservation by way of a delightful bestiary.”
Kirkus Reviews (starred)

“Rundell's latest is a gem of a book.... Rundell's wit fascinates and cuts.... This magical collection of very real animals will charm and inspire readers.”
Booklist (starred)

“A poignant survey of animal species whose survival is threatened by humans . . . Rundell approaches her subjects with reverence, as when she writes that blind, iridescent golden moles ‘burrow and breed and hunt, live and die under the African sun, unaware of their beauty, unknowingly glowing.’ Animal lovers will cherish this.”
Publishers Weekly

“[Rundell] illuminates this collection of essays with fable, legend, myth, and truth stranger than fiction... Although it is a sobering glimpse at the destruction humanity has wrought on other living things, Vanishing Treasures is ultimately an uplifting and inspiring exploration of the wonder left in the world and how humanity can fit within it, and add to its extraordinary quality.”
Shelf Awareness

Praise for Katherine Rundell:

“Brilliant . . . Supernaturally talented.”
Ron Charles, The Washington Post

“Rundell is the real deal, a writer of boundless gifts and extraordinary imaginative power.”
The Observer

“I love Katherine Rundell’s writing because it’s so fresh and vigorous, and always so unexpected . . . A writer with an utterly distinctive voice and a wild imagination.”
Philip Pullman, author of The Golden Compass

“Rundell [is] a fellow at St. Catherine’s College at Oxford and the latest in that university’s celebrated tradition of scholar-fantasists — C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, Philip Pullman. She is a high-spirited evangelist for her various passions. (In no particular order: children’s fiction, Renaissance literature and the natural world.) . . . Opening one of her books is like seeing a missionary on your doorstep — chatty, bright-eyed, zealous. Somehow, Rundell makes you want to invite her in for tea.”
Sophia Nguyen, The Washington Post

“Rundell is an astonishing young talent.”
The Daily Mail


© Nina Subin
KATHERINE RUNDELL is the internationally bestselling author of Impossible Creatures. Her other books for children include Rooftoppers, Cartwheeling in Thunderstorms, The Wolf Wilder, The Explorer, and The Good Thieves. She grew up in Zimbabwe, Brussels, and London, and is currently a Fellow of St. Catherine’s College, Oxford. For adult readers, Rundell has written Vanishing Treasures: A Bestiary of Extraordinary Endangered Creatures and Super-Infinite: The Transformations of John Donne, which won the Baillie Gifford Prize for Non-Fiction. She was the recipient of the British Book Award for Book of the Year and Author of the Year. View titles by Katherine Rundell

Table of Contents

The Wombat
The Greenland Shark 
The Raccoon 
The Giraffe 
The Swift 
The Lemur 
The Hermit Crab 
The Seal 
The Bear 
The Narwhal 
The Crow 
The Hare 
The Wolf
The Hedgehog
The Elephant 
The Seahorse 
The Pangolin 
The Stork 
The Spider 
The Bat 
The Tuna 
The Golden Mole 
The Human 
Author’s Note 
About This Book 
Further Reading 
About the Author

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